2010-08-28 04:42:50 UTC
I recently received a copy of the book "My name is Gauhar Jaan", by
Vikram Sampath. Gauhar Jaan was one of the first Indian musicians to
record her performances on vinyl. Her bandish's are widely sung,
though she may not be very well known today. Her mother, BaDi Malka
Jaan, was apparently a well-known Urdu poet of her time. I though
Alupers may find information regarding her poetry of interest.
Mohamed Wazeer of Ripon Press, Calcutta, had this to say about baDi
Malka JAn's compositions:
Bandish meiN khoobiyaaN haiN, maani meiN shokhiyaaN haiN
kyoN na ho is sukhan ke ahl-e kamAl tAlib?
maglub banke hAtif bola "Wazeer" mujhse
hai raNg-e shAyari meiN MalkA ka rang ghalib
Here is one sher of Malka's that caught my attention:
dekh kar teg-e sitam yeh bad du'A deta hUN maiN
nUr mit jAye ilAhi deedA-e sayyAd ka
The accompanying translation is:
Seeing the sword of atrocities that my captor is using to torment me,
All I can do is curse that the evil captor loses the light of his
Two additional shers, whose translations made little sense to me:
pAsbAn haiN deedA-e Laila ilAhi khair ho
Qais kA sAyA khaDa hai pardaE-e mehmil ke pAs
sakhtiyAN ki zauf ki shiddat ne itni hijr meiN
sANs lene se bhi Ajiz hai kalejA dil ke pAs.
Any comments would be appreciated.
Vikram Sampath. Gauhar Jaan was one of the first Indian musicians to
record her performances on vinyl. Her bandish's are widely sung,
though she may not be very well known today. Her mother, BaDi Malka
Jaan, was apparently a well-known Urdu poet of her time. I though
Alupers may find information regarding her poetry of interest.
Mohamed Wazeer of Ripon Press, Calcutta, had this to say about baDi
Malka JAn's compositions:
Bandish meiN khoobiyaaN haiN, maani meiN shokhiyaaN haiN
kyoN na ho is sukhan ke ahl-e kamAl tAlib?
maglub banke hAtif bola "Wazeer" mujhse
hai raNg-e shAyari meiN MalkA ka rang ghalib
Here is one sher of Malka's that caught my attention:
dekh kar teg-e sitam yeh bad du'A deta hUN maiN
nUr mit jAye ilAhi deedA-e sayyAd ka
The accompanying translation is:
Seeing the sword of atrocities that my captor is using to torment me,
All I can do is curse that the evil captor loses the light of his
Two additional shers, whose translations made little sense to me:
pAsbAn haiN deedA-e Laila ilAhi khair ho
Qais kA sAyA khaDa hai pardaE-e mehmil ke pAs
sakhtiyAN ki zauf ki shiddat ne itni hijr meiN
sANs lene se bhi Ajiz hai kalejA dil ke pAs.
Any comments would be appreciated.