bekas Murray
2022-02-02 09:02:24 UTC
Don't know what state of mind ghalib was in when he wrote this poem or whether he has commented on it but it seems like it can be taken as a statement on politics and leaders.
The messiah complex of leaders and their failure to address the problems of the people:
ibn-e-mariyam huā kare koī
mere dukh kī davā kare koī
Committing atrocities under the cover of constitution:
shar.a o aa.iin par madār sahī
aise qātil kā kyā kare koī
chaal jaise kaḌī kamān kā tiir
dil meñ aise ke jā kare koī
censorship and propaganda:
baat par vaañ zabān kaTtī hai
vo kaheñ aur sunā kare koī
The common man's condition:
bak rahā huuñ junūñ meñ kyā kyā kuchh
kuchh na samjhe ḳhudā kare koī
what one can personally do:
na suno gar burā kahe koī
na kaho gar burā kare koī
rok lo gar ġhalat chale koī
baḳhsh do gar ḳhatā kare koī
Realization that everyone has their troubles and axes to grind and that it is unreasonable to expect that someone else can provide relief to everyone
kaun hai jo nahīñ hai hājat-mand
kis kī hājat ravā kare koī
What have leaders done to those they led (the leaders took the benefits that they were supposed to pass on to those being led)
kyā kiyā ḳhizr ne sikandar se
ab kise rahnumā kare koī
What is there to complain about if there is no reason to expect.
jab tavaqqo.a hī uTh ga.ī 'ġhālib'
kyuuñ kisī kā gila kare koī
The messiah complex of leaders and their failure to address the problems of the people:
ibn-e-mariyam huā kare koī
mere dukh kī davā kare koī
Committing atrocities under the cover of constitution:
shar.a o aa.iin par madār sahī
aise qātil kā kyā kare koī
chaal jaise kaḌī kamān kā tiir
dil meñ aise ke jā kare koī
censorship and propaganda:
baat par vaañ zabān kaTtī hai
vo kaheñ aur sunā kare koī
The common man's condition:
bak rahā huuñ junūñ meñ kyā kyā kuchh
kuchh na samjhe ḳhudā kare koī
what one can personally do:
na suno gar burā kahe koī
na kaho gar burā kare koī
rok lo gar ġhalat chale koī
baḳhsh do gar ḳhatā kare koī
Realization that everyone has their troubles and axes to grind and that it is unreasonable to expect that someone else can provide relief to everyone
kaun hai jo nahīñ hai hājat-mand
kis kī hājat ravā kare koī
What have leaders done to those they led (the leaders took the benefits that they were supposed to pass on to those being led)
kyā kiyā ḳhizr ne sikandar se
ab kise rahnumā kare koī
What is there to complain about if there is no reason to expect.
jab tavaqqo.a hī uTh ga.ī 'ġhālib'
kyuuñ kisī kā gila kare koī