Christmas Mubaarak
(too old to reply)
2021-12-25 11:34:55 UTC

merii jaanib se ALUP ke tamaam aHbaab ko Christmas mubaarak ho. Covid 19 aur Omicron ke maNDlaate hu'e xataraat ke baa-vujuud, ummid aur du3aa hai kih aap sab ke liye nayaa saal DheroN xushiyaaN laa'e aur dunyaa-bhar meN amn-o-amaan ho.

Allah kare kih Afzal SaaHib, Kala SaaHib aur Vijay SaaHib bhii ba-xair-o-3aafiyat hoN aur un se hamaarii mulaaqaatoN kaa silsilah munqati3 nah ho.

2021-12-25 17:02:49 UTC

I too wish everyone the joy of Christmas and a merry holiday season. Honestly though, it is hard to be purely joyous about anything these days, Omicron has put a rapid damper on most festivities. We personally have opted out of every Christmas gathering, big and small, we were supposed to attend. Fully vaxxed, boosted, perpetually masked, but still....... what next?

One of my favorite op ed columnists describes 2021 as a 'shapeless year', I agree. It has been an exhausting year for most people. Let us hope next year will be brighter, at least more sane and boringly routine.

If any of the old timers are reading these messages, please know that those of us who are still active in the group miss you dearly. Life is fluid, but if possible, please do check in occasionally to let us know about your well being.

My best to all,

Irfan Abid
2021-12-25 17:48:28 UTC
Post by Zoya
I too wish everyone the joy of Christmas and a merry holiday season. Honestly though, it is hard to be purely joyous about anything these days, Omicron has put a rapid damper on most festivities. We personally have opted out of every Christmas gathering, big and small, we were supposed to attend. Fully vaxxed, boosted, perpetually masked, but still....... what next?
One of my favorite op ed columnists describes 2021 as a 'shapeless year', I agree. It has been an exhausting year for most people. Let us hope next year will be brighter, at least more sane and boringly routine.
If any of the old timers are reading these messages, please know that those of us who are still active in the group miss you dearly. Life is fluid, but if possible, please do check in occasionally to let us know about your well being.
My best to all,
tamaam ahbaab ko merii jaanib se bhii Christmas kii mubaarakbaad!

Irfan :Abid:

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