Sad Incident In Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
(too old to reply)
Afzal A. Khan
2021-03-15 17:30:20 UTC

Just one day back, a sad incident occurred in Ghaziabad
District, Uttar Pradesh.

From various Indian newspaper Rreports, it seems that
a Muslim boy (a youngster about 13-14 years of age) wa
badly beaten up by a 23-year od man, by the name of
Shringi Nandan Yadav. His friend, Shivanand, made a
video of the entire incident and made it viral. The
"crime" committed by the youngster was that, being
thirsty, he went to a tap ('nal') within the precincts of
a temple and tried to quench his thirst.

The two culprits have been arrested and sent to jail.


I have narrated the incident very briefly. Those who
may be interested in reading further details can read
various Indian newspapers like The Hindu and The
Hindustan Times etc.


An Urdu poet has penned the following verses in the above
context :

Zara socho, siasat ne kahaaN pahuNcha diya tum ko
Tumhaari daastaanoN ka to 'mar'yaada' se rishta hai

Pyaase ko pilaana dharm hota tha jahaaN sab ka
WahaaN mandir men ja kar paani peena jurm Thehra hai

2021-03-15 20:03:27 UTC
Afzal sahib,

I too have read about this incident. ise paRh kar mujhe ek bhajan yaad aayaa thaa:

kabhi pyaase ko paanii pilaayaa nahiiN, baad amrit pilaane se kya faayda.....

Afzal A. Khan
2021-03-16 00:56:47 UTC
Post by Zoya
Afzal sahib,
kabhi pyaase ko paanii pilaayaa nahiiN, baad amrit pilaane se kya faayda.....
I thought you would also tell us something about your own reaction
after reading the news reports.......

As you and other ALUPers are no doubt aware, Meer Anees was one of
the two most accomplished Marsiya~nigaars in the sub-continent.

In one of his Marsiyaas, Mer Anees wrote :

YooN pyaas men paani koi laa kar na pilaaye
Aur b'ad fanaa, faateha sharbat pe dilaaye

2021-03-16 15:37:46 UTC
Post by Afzal A. Khan
I thought you would also tell us something about your own reaction
after reading the news reports.......
Afzal sahib,


You can probably guess what my personal reaction might be to such news items, it is a mix of disbelief, sadness, helplessness and indignation. But my outrage is not selective, I go through similar emotions when I read any such news items, like yesterday's NY Times story about young Yazidi girls who were kidnapped and enslaved for several years, and after being freed have to give up their babies because they can be accepted back in the community but not their children. Or Today's BBC headline about Mozambique militants 'beheading children'. However, this is not the forum to indulge in details of such discussions and in any case I do not have the emotional energy to do so.

One particular thing I would like mention regarding the Ghaziabad incident: coming from a religious, cultural and familial background where we observe the tradition of open 'langar' for all, it is hard for me to even comprehend how a young thirsty boy can be punished for drinking water! As you have probably read/heard, even the protesting farmers near Delhi are serving nonstop free 'langar' to all, including the policemen on duty. Some of these farmers are actually from my dad and mom's ancestral villages.

Since Sahir Ludhianvi has also been quoted in this thread, let me wrap up by quoting from another Sahir song. This is perhaps even more relevant now, on both sides of the border, than it was when written over sixty years ago:

nafrat jo sikhaaye voh dharam teraa nahiiN hai
insaaN ko jo rauNde voh qadam teraa nahiiN hai
Qur'an na ho jis meN voh mandir nahiiN teraa
Geeta na ho jis meN voh Haram teraa nahiiN hai

Sounds wishful and naive in a way.

sab ko sumati de Bhagvaan!

Afzal A. Khan
2021-03-16 16:56:27 UTC
Post by Zoya
Post by Afzal A. Khan
I thought you would also tell us something about your own reaction
after reading the news reports.......
Afzal sahib,
You can probably guess what my personal reaction might be to such news items, it is a mix of disbelief, sadness, helplessness and indignation. But my outrage is not selective, I go through similar emotions when I read any such news items, like yesterday's NY Times story about young Yazidi girls who were kidnapped and enslaved for several years, and after being freed have to give up their babies because they can be accepted back in the community but not their children. Or Today's BBC headline about Mozambique militants 'beheading children'. However, this is not the forum to indulge in details of such discussions and in any case I do not have the emotional energy to do so.
One particular thing I would like mention regarding the Ghaziabad incident: coming from a religious, cultural and familial background where we observe the tradition of open 'langar' for all, it is hard for me to even comprehend how a young thirsty boy can be punished for drinking water! As you have probably read/heard, even the protesting farmers near Delhi are serving nonstop free 'langar' to all, including the policemen on duty. Some of these farmers are actually from my dad and mom's ancestral villages.
nafrat jo sikhaaye voh dharam teraa nahiiN hai
insaaN ko jo rauNde voh qadam teraa nahiiN hai
Qur'an na ho jis meN voh mandir nahiiN teraa
Geeta na ho jis meN voh Haram teraa nahiiN hai
Sounds wishful and naive in a way.
sab ko sumati de Bhagvaan!
Z. S.

There is a lot happening in many parts of the world which is
wrong and misguided. You have mentioned Yazidis, Mozambique
militants etc. However, there is little that we can do about
what is going on in other far-off countries --- except sympa-
thising with the oppressed.........

But this particular incident (the young Muslim boy) happened
in our own country. And that is why it is so sickening and

When I was in India --- and here I am talking about a period
some 65-70 years ago --- I had a few friends from the Sikh
community too. One such family was in Sambhalpur, in Orissa
(now Odisha). I happened to visit Sambhalpur once. Though it
was for a single day, but that Sikh family compelled me to stay
with them for four days........

And, yes, I am not only aware of the "langar" tradition but have
had an opportunity to partake of the same. It was in Bombay,
very near the Alankar Cinema House.


However, I am afraid one will hardly find many people today who
subscribe to what Sahir has said in the above song, which is from
the film "Dhool Ka Phool".

I remember seeing the film in Bombay's Minerva Cinema --- the
old Cinema Hall built by Sohrab Modi, much before it was torn
down and replaced by a magnificent new structure.....

But, do pardon me for believing that the sentiments expressed in
the song are a bit of a sham. The song is lip-synched by noted
character actor Manmohan Krishn, who finds an abandoned young
boy and decides to bring him up as "an insaan", rather than as
a hindu or Muslim. But he himself is a devout Muslim (in the
film) and shown as performing Namaaz studiously.

I believe I have written about this many years ago, either in
ALUP or the music group RMIM.

BTW, I don't know if you are aware that Manmohan Krishn was
a Professor of Physics in a Bombay College. But acting was his


Writing lyrics in films is a profession, a means of livelihood.
One cannot define or determine a poet's religion through any of
his songs. For instance, Shakeel Badayuni wrote quite a few
bhajans. That did not mean that he was a hindu. The late
actress Sadhana essayed a Muslim character (Husna ?) in the film
"Mere Mehboob". But can we call her a Muslim on that account ?

2021-03-16 08:35:17 UTC
Post by Afzal A. Khan
Just one day back, a sad incident occurred in Ghaziabad
District, Uttar Pradesh.
From various Indian newspaper Rreports, it seems that
a Muslim boy (a youngster about 13-14 years of age) wa
badly beaten up by a 23-year od man, by the name of
Shringi Nandan Yadav. His friend, Shivanand, made a
video of the entire incident and made it viral. The
"crime" committed by the youngster was that, being
thirsty, he went to a tap ('nal') within the precincts of
a temple and tried to quench his thirst.
The two culprits have been arrested and sent to jail.
I have narrated the incident very briefly. Those who
may be interested in reading further details can read
various Indian newspapers like The Hindu and The
Hindustan Times etc.
An Urdu poet has penned the following verses in the above
Zara socho, siasat ne kahaaN pahuNcha diya tum ko
Tumhaari daastaanoN ka to 'mar'yaada' se rishta hai
Pyaase ko pilaana dharm hota tha jahaaN sab ka
WahaaN mandir men ja kar paani peena jurm Thehra hai
Thank you for posting a report on this very sad incident.

I look at the headlines of news at home and abroad on the BBC internet site and it has been reported there as well.


I remember reading about the concept of "Hindu paanii" and "Muslim paanii" signs displayed at pre-partion railway stations where people belonging to the relevant faith could go and drink water. I think I may have read this in a short story of Qudrutullah Shahab's who I believe was in the civil service prior to partition and later was an important figure in the governments of Governor General Ghulam Muhammad, President Iskander Mirza and President Ayub Khan in Pakistan. I believe the story I have in mind might be "Raam Deen" but I may be mistaken. That aside, this was a despicable action on the part of the offenders especially bearing in mind that this happened in the precincts of a place of worship. I suppose one can not expect much more when the likes of Yogi Adityanath is in power as the Chief Minister!

Allah tero naam Ishwar tero naam
Allah tero naam Ishwar tero naam
Sab ko sanmati de bhagwaan
Sab ko sanmati de bhagwaan
Allah tero naam

Afzal A. Khan
2021-03-16 17:22:04 UTC
Post by Naseer
Post by Afzal A. Khan
Just one day back, a sad incident occurred in Ghaziabad
District, Uttar Pradesh.
From various Indian newspaper Rreports, it seems that
a Muslim boy (a youngster about 13-14 years of age) wa
badly beaten up by a 23-year od man, by the name of
Shringi Nandan Yadav. His friend, Shivanand, made a
video of the entire incident and made it viral. The
"crime" committed by the youngster was that, being
thirsty, he went to a tap ('nal') within the precincts of
a temple and tried to quench his thirst.
The two culprits have been arrested and sent to jail.
I have narrated the incident very briefly. Those who
may be interested in reading further details can read
various Indian newspapers like The Hindu and The
Hindustan Times etc.
An Urdu poet has penned the following verses in the above
Zara socho, siasat ne kahaaN pahuNcha diya tum ko
Tumhaari daastaanoN ka to 'mar'yaada' se rishta hai
Pyaase ko pilaana dharm hota tha jahaaN sab ka
WahaaN mandir men ja kar paani peena jurm Thehra hai
Thank you for posting a report on this very sad incident.
I look at the headlines of news at home and abroad on the BBC internet site and it has been reported there as well.
I remember reading about the concept of "Hindu paanii" and "Muslim paanii" signs displayed at pre-partion railway stations where people belonging to the relevant faith could go and drink water. I think I may have read this in a short story of Qudrutullah Shahab's who I believe was in the civil service prior to partition and later was an important figure in the governments of Governor General Ghulam Muhammad, President Iskander Mirza and President Ayub Khan in Pakistan. I believe the story I have in mind might be "Raam Deen" but I may be mistaken. That aside, this was a despicable action on the part of the offenders especially bearing in mind that this happened in the precincts of a place of worship. I suppose one can not expect much more when the likes of Yogi Adityanath is in power as the Chief Minister!
Allah tero naam Ishwar tero naam
Allah tero naam Ishwar tero naam
Sab ko sanmati de bhagwaan
Sab ko sanmati de bhagwaan
Allah tero naam

Aditional details in this respect are now available .......

The name of the Muslim boy ---> Asif
The name of his father ---> Habib

Also, it has now been reported that a few police
personnel were present at that spot when this assault
took place. The young boy cried out to them for help.
But they just stood there as mute spectators.


I believe I did write about the late Qudratullah Shahaab
some years back. I don't remember exactly, but perhaps
he had written a "manzoom" translation of Shelley's "Ode To
The West Wind". You may find it in the ALUP archives.


You have only read about the times when vendors on Indian
Railway Platforms would sell "hindu paani" and "Muslim paani".
But I have lived through those times when this practice was

The song lines you have quoted are from the film "Hum Dono",
released in 1961. Music was composed by the late Jaidev
Verma and the lyrics were penned by Saahir Ludhiyanvi.

The prayer is really necessary in these turbulent times.

BTW, I had met Jaidev Verma about an year before his untimely
death in early 1987. He was a lifelong bachelor, I believe.

Ashraf An
2023-09-06 07:26:05 UTC
Post by Afzal A. Khan
Post by Naseer
Post by Afzal A. Khan
Just one day back, a sad incident occurred in Ghaziabad
District, Uttar Pradesh.
From various Indian newspaper Rreports, it seems that
a Muslim boy (a youngster about 13-14 years of age) wa
badly beaten up by a 23-year od man, by the name of
Shringi Nandan Yadav. His friend, Shivanand, made a
video of the entire incident and made it viral. The
"crime" committed by the youngster was that, being
thirsty, he went to a tap ('nal') within the precincts of
a temple and tried to quench his thirst.
The two culprits have been arrested and sent to jail.
I have narrated the incident very briefly. Those who
may be interested in reading further details can read
various Indian newspapers like The Hindu and The
Hindustan Times etc.
An Urdu poet has penned the following verses in the above
Zara socho, siasat ne kahaaN pahuNcha diya tum ko
Tumhaari daastaanoN ka to 'mar'yaada' se rishta hai
Pyaase ko pilaana dharm hota tha jahaaN sab ka
WahaaN mandir men ja kar paani peena jurm Thehra hai
Thank you for posting a report on this very sad incident.
I look at the headlines of news at home and abroad on the BBC internet site and it has been reported there as well.
I remember reading about the concept of "Hindu paanii" and "Muslim paanii" signs displayed at pre-partion railway stations where people belonging to the relevant faith could go and drink water. I think I may have read this in a short story of Qudrutullah Shahab's who I believe was in the civil service prior to partition and later was an important figure in the governments of Governor General Ghulam Muhammad, President Iskander Mirza and President Ayub Khan in Pakistan. I believe the story I have in mind might be "Raam Deen" but I may be mistaken. That aside, this was a despicable action on the part of the offenders especially bearing in mind that this happened in the precincts of a place of worship. I suppose one can not expect much more when the likes of Yogi Adityanath is in power as the Chief Minister!
Allah tero naam Ishwar tero naam
Allah tero naam Ishwar tero naam
Sab ko sanmati de bhagwaan
Sab ko sanmati de bhagwaan
Allah tero naam
Aditional details in this respect are now available .......
The name of the Muslim boy ---> Asif
The name of his father ---> Habib
Also, it has now been reported that a few police
personnel were present at that spot when this assault
took place. The young boy cried out to them for help.
But they just stood there as mute spectators.
I believe I did write about the late Qudratullah Shahaab
some years back. I don't remember exactly, but perhaps
he had written a "manzoom" translation of Shelley's "Ode To
The West Wind". You may find it in the ALUP archives.
You have only read about the times when vendors on Indian
Railway Platforms would sell "hindu paani" and "Muslim paani".
But I have lived through those times when this practice was
The song lines you have quoted are from the film "Hum Dono",
released in 1961. Music was composed by the late Jaidev
Verma and the lyrics were penned by Saahir Ludhiyanvi.
The prayer is really necessary in these turbulent times.
BTW, I had met Jaidev Verma about an year before his untimely
death in early 1987. He was a lifelong bachelor, I believe.
Mohtaram Afzal sahib

I was looking for an urdu translation of Shelley's poem "Ode to the West Wind", and I happened to stumble upon this group, that, somehow small but has literary gems of Urdu speakers from around the world. I'm grateful. Could you please provide me with the Urdu translation of the the said poem, in nastaleeq if possible?
2023-09-22 13:18:09 UTC
Post by Ashraf An
Mohtaram Afzal sahib
I was looking for an urdu translation of Shelley's poem "Ode to the West Wind", and I happened to stumble upon this group, that, somehow small but has literary gems of Urdu speakers from around the world. I'm grateful. Could you please provide me with the Urdu translation of the the said poem, in nastaleeq if possible?
Ashraf sahib,

aadaab arz hai,

First of all, let me welcome you to Alup. It is wonderful that you have discovered our group, it is indeed the gold standard among Urdu poetry groups on the net. Sadly though, it is very slow currently, past its golden days. I am afraid Afzal sahib will not be able to respond to your message, how I wish he were still among us!

Maybe Naseer sahib can help with your query. Meantime, feel free to explore Alup archives, it is a goldmine of information, and some fun reading along the way!

Hope to see you again,


2023-09-22 13:53:20 UTC
Post by Zoya
Post by Ashraf An
Mohtaram Afzal sahib
I was looking for an urdu translation of Shelley's poem "Ode to the West Wind", and I happened to stumble upon this group, that, somehow small but has literary gems of Urdu speakers from around the world. I'm grateful. Could you please provide me with the Urdu translation of the the said poem, in nastaleeq if possible?
Ashraf sahib,
aadaab arz hai,
First of all, let me welcome you to Alup. It is wonderful that you have discovered our group, it is indeed the gold standard among Urdu poetry groups on the net. Sadly though, it is very slow currently, past its golden days. I am afraid Afzal sahib will not be able to respond to your message, how I wish he were still among us!
Maybe Naseer sahib can help with your query. Meantime, feel free to explore Alup archives, it is a goldmine of information, and some fun reading along the way!
Hope to see you again,
Zoya SaaHibah, aadaab.

I have already replied to Ashraf An SaaHib in the "abhi to main jawaa hoon: meanings please..." thread as this gentleman posted his identical message in two threads. Sadly as is often the case, after one's reply one never hears from the other party again.

Best wishes,

